"One's first impression is of the (self-abasing?) vacuity suggested by the substantial black space within which the text sits: a basic Blogger template has been employed to display a long, monotonous column of white text, next to which a (likewise monochrome, likewise rectangular) picture from the Escher archive struggles to lend purpose to the frankly vestigial sidebar. One wonders why a two-column blog layout was selected at all. At the top the blog's title and tagline find themselves surrounded by a purposeless rectangular border; above them in turn, the largely pointless Blogger bar (which the hosting site enforces on its users) distractingly inverts the colour scheme. Scrolling down, one comes at last to a terse credit line 'explained', as so much on the modern Web is, by linking to Wikipedia and expecting readers to fend for themselves from then on. To the blog's credit, nevertheless, there is a luxuriant absence of pointless Flash, animated GIFs, badly JavaScripted navigation menus, shoehorned rows of 'sharing' buttons, and other common evils of the Web today." -- Robert Seddon